Credit Repair Challenge
Credit Repair Challenge
Looking to improve your credit score? Try incorporating savings challenges into your routine to help with credit repair. Set a goal to save a certain amount each month, whether it's $50 or $100, and put that money towards paying off any outstanding debts or bills. Start by listing all your debts from smallest to largest, regardless of interest rate. Each month, focus on paying off the smallest debt first while making minimum payments on others. By taking on these savings challenges, you can not only boost your savings but also make positive strides towards improving your credit health. $1,250/$3,750 savings and bonus.
You will receive:
13 envelopes
A7 Binder
Credit Repair Challenge Tracker
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
How long will it take to package and drop off your order to the post office?
Processing Time: 1-5 business days
How long will it take for your order to arrive once dropped off at the post office?
Estimate 3-10 business days
*Shipping time may vary depending on location, shipment method and other factors.
Items marked “delivered” by the USPS are considered delivered for the purposes of refunds and cancellations.
Savings Budget is not responsible for lost packages if your shipping address is entered incorrectly.
Savings Budget is not responsible for lost or stolen packages.
Returns, Exchanges & Cancellations At this time, returns, exchanges, and cancellations are not accepted.
All sales are final.
Please review over our Shipping and Refund Policy for more details.
This credit repair book will come in handy for extra payment it so cute well made and worth every penny thanks for the freebies will be back for more